Hi! I'm Audrey. I'm a wife and mother and I'm passionate about birth! I have 5 children, 3 of whom I have given birth to. 

I was initiated in to motherhood with a breech birth.  I was dropped by my midwives at 36 weeks and so I did the only thing I knew to do at the time. I entered the hospital and declined a c-section and everything that went with it. I was left feeling powerful but I still had lots of unraveling from that birth to do.

My 2nd baby was born at home with midwives.  It was a precipitious birth and the midwives barely made it in time.  My only regrets were the moment the midwives were present for.  

After that birth I left the system, studied physiological birth and freebirthed my 3rd child at home with only my family present. 

I have evolved and grown as a mother and each birth has left me expanded and emboldened.  

My stories have led to my calling to serve women in birth. 

Every expectant mother has the power inside her to birth her baby in full autonomy.  The ability to give birth is an natural gifting.  Each mother and child deserves the magic of an undisturbed physiological birth. Furthermore, a joyful liberated birth is the catylst for a joyful and liberated motherhood.

From conception through the postpartum season my desire is to educate and embolden mothers to do what they have been created to do.... BIRTH BABIES! 

 Get Started! 

 Contact me with questions or book a free consultation.  

Email: audrey@ajoyfulbirth.org